Dulcolax $9.99 (saved $3)
(used $4/1 coupon ~ received $9.99EB)
Schick Hydro $8.97 (saved $1.02)
used $5/1 coupon ~ received $4EB)
Vitamins $7.49
PLUS: $5/$25 coupon, $3, $4, $5EB
Total OOP: $.03
Total Savings: $31.01 (Sale and Coupon and EB)
EB Earned: $4, $9.99 (above) $1 green bag tag
Total CVS spending YTD: $156.60
Total CVS savings YTD: $762.89
Summer 2010 Spending (from receipt): $52.74
YTD Saving (from receipt): $809.21
Also, sidenote: my ExtraCare card just offed itself due to (what I can only asuume is) excessive overuse. It fell from my keychain and the layer of plastic is peeling off. I called CVS to request a new one which should arrive in a few weeks (hopefully with coupons! *crosses fingers*)
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